Contracting, Equipment Rental, and Heavy Haul Transportation.
Need to move some dirt? Give us a call today,
909-355-1146 or toll free at 1-888-CATTRAC
Established in 1971, Cattrac Construction has upheld a standard of excellence in the construction industry for over 40 years. As a General Engineering Contractor, we have coordinated with the best and biggest in the industry to tackle some of the toughest projects in California and Nevada. Cattrac's operations began with a single Caterpillar 950 Loader and a commitment to giving its clients the best service possible. Since then, Cattrac has grown to a multi-faceted, multi-million dollar corporation with over 50 full-time employees, and an extensive fleet of earth moving and heavy haul transportation equipment. Cattrac's services are bondable to $20 million so you can be sure that no matter the project size or scope, Cattrac can get the job done. A lot has changed over the past 40 years, but the one thing that hasn't is Cattrac's commitment to its clients. We can help you move mountains.